Why are there suddenly so many multi-family homes for sale in Ottawa? 

Multi-family homes are trending in Ottawa and not just for the financial benefits. We’ve come across many clients looking to build a new home with multi-generational living in mind, whether it’s an apartment for an aging parent or a starter home for an adult child. In fact, we often get asked if our new builds can include a basement apartment. That’s why we’ve designed three models specifically with a secondary dwelling included.

Putting down roots as a family is back in style!  

There’s nothing new about multi-family or multi-generational homes. In fact, historically, it was the norm that multiple generations would share the same roof on a family farm or estate. Modern times have seen generations move apart, often across the country. But, families are starting to rediscover the benefits of being closer together.

In an age of higher housing prices, social isolation and loss of family connections, we are proud to be part of the solution. Perhaps, the best multi-family homes for sale in Ottawa are new builds designed expressly for that purpose. 

Multi-generational homes for aging parents

We designed our in-law suites with the thought that living under the same roof as our aging parents is highly rewarding. This time of life is a chance to bond and learn from their experience while helping them with tasks such as cleaning, driving, or shopping. Our kids grow up under the loving and watchful eyes of their grandparents. All three generations – grandparents, parents, and kids – benefit from a sense of connection and belonging. Many of the multi-family homes for sale in Ottawa will be used for multi-generational living with aging parents.

A place for snowbirds to land

For those retirees who prefer to spend winter in warmer climates, keeping a Canadian foothold can be needlessly stressful. In a twist on multi-family living, an in-law suite can be a lovely landing pad for the summer months and a short-term rental in the winter. Rather than worry that there’s no one to look after their place, your parents can come back to a modern apartment within your home and grow tomatoes in your backyard while bonding with the grandkids.

Multi-family homes for grown up kids

First-time homebuyers have been hit hardest by rising home prices. If your new grads need a place to stay while they save up for a downpayment, our built-in apartments will give them the privacy they need while they find their footing. Privacy, but also direct access to you when they need advice or just a home-cooked meal. 

Co-ownership between family members

Co-ownership is another concept becoming more and more popular among home buyers – and for good reason. Two families can purchase a single dream home and share the mortgage while enjoying the wonderful location and neighbourhood amenities. 

Among multi-family homes for sale in Ottawa, few have two almost equally-sized units like our Sonora model. Check out this option if both families require two bedrooms.

In the case of our models, where the primary unit is much larger than the secondary one, it’s important to note that co-ownership does not need to be 50-50. For example, a single relative can co-own the home with your family, in proportion to the size of their suite. They would be gaining equity for their portion of the home and could rent it out, should they decide to move away.

The financial benefits of multi-generational homes

Sharing a roof means sharing the financial burdens of home ownership. Whatever the arrangement looks like in your family, there are significant benefits of scale when investing into a single home rather than multiple ones.

Whether your family members contribute to the mortgage payments or maintenance costs, or they need your support at this time in their life, the financial benefits of having them under your roof will be significant. However, when it comes to family, it’s not all about money.

Shared traditions and being there when it’s needed

Let’s face it, zoom calls will never replace watching your mother cook your favourite meal or helping your child pick out an outfit for a job interview. If the isolation of the pandemic taught us anything about connections and mental health, it’s that we really do need each other. 

Having family under the same roof, but in two private and self-contained dwellings, will help you forge traditions organically and lean on each other for those little things that count.

Cutting down on all that driving

Seriously, though. This might not seem like an obvious reason to live close to family, but it will probably be the biggest change in your routine. The further you are from your family, the more time and money it takes to go see them. Whether you are booking flights for the next Christmas-to-New-Years visit, or getting the kids in the car for a weekly dinner with your folks, multi-generational living means… no more travel!

Aging in place, with family

With time, perhaps it will make sense to switch dwellings with your adult children and invite them to move upstairs while you take over the secondary suite. Aging in place has countless benefits to your mental and physical health and one of the main success factors is having a support network nearby.

With family living just upstairs, you can continue to enjoy your established garden – and established friendships –  in the neighbourhood while downsizing to a stylish secondary suite that you designed. Your kids will be close by to assist with any changing needs and will certainly benefit from having grandparents just a staircase away as well.

And, you can always rent it out

If anything changes in your situation, you can rent out the basement apartment as an income-generating suite. All our secondary dwellings are built to requirements dictated by City of Ottawa for rental properties. That means, if your family members find a new place and decide to move out, you will be able to easily switch to landlord status and get an additional monthly income to help pay your mortgage.

Our new builds for multi-family living

We have three home models that include a basement apartment for multi-generational living or rental income.

$ 1,289,000 +
Miraposa Plus
$ 1,069,000 +

The Klondike

The Klondike delivers for the larger family. The main unit features up to 5 bedrooms and the in-law suite offers a bathroom and powder room, a large bedroom with walk-in closet and bonus loft.

Miraposa Plus

The main unit of the Miraposa Plus is a two-storey 3-bedroom and 2.5-bathroom family home, while the other is the lower level 1-bedroom and 1-bathroom in-law suite. Both feature separate entrances, stunning modern design and quality craftsmanship that you would expect from Phoenix Homes.


The Sonora

Compact modern design of The Sonora bungalow features two almost equally sized units. A shared vestibule leads to two separate entrances with two units of 2 bedrooms each. The main unit features an open concept single floor with 2 bathrooms while the lower level suite offers 1 bathroom.

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